Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Green Office Cleaning - Clean Green

Pollution is a major problem the world is facing today and it is adviced that everyone helps mitigate releasing pollutants into the surroundings in every way possible. One way of reducing carbon footprint and helping prevent global warming and climate change is Green Office Cleaning. Green Office Cleaning is very important because not only does it help protect the health of office workers but it also helps preserve the planet's wellbeing.

It helps employees avoid the various health problems that the toxic substances found in conventional office cleaner agents. Traditional cleaners are filled with synthetic chemicals that are very hazardous especially to people that have allergies. Getting in direct contact with the said chemicals is can also cause very severe complications. This is the reason why janitorial staff members of all employees are the ones with the most number of sick leaves. Reduction of greenhouse emissions also helps improve the sustainability of the planet and empower its preservation.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Green Office Cleaning - LEED Certificate

The LEED otherwise known as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a program that aims to reward buildings that showcase concern for the environment and the sustainability of the planet. Most of the time thses companies are also tied up to green office cleaning. It awards LEED certificates to new buildings that have been either both designed and built to preserve energy and fight pollution or old buildings that have been redesigned or renovated to promote carbon footprint reduction and energy efficiency.

The certificate is also said to enhance the market value of a building as it is often treated as a sign that long term savings from reduced energy consumption. The LEED certificate also helps attract jobseekers because every applicant desires to work in a place that is safe and clean. Working in a clean and green environment is also very inspiring because the employees know that they are working for a company that is doing its best not to harm the environment.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cream of Tartar as an Alternative cleaning Material

Cream of tartar is not simply a way to stabilize egg whites; it can also serve as a cleaning material. Cream of tartar is an effective green cleaning material especially in removing stubborn stains. If burner pans and casserole dishes giving you fits then cream of tartar will be your new best friend.

Just like vinegar and baking soda, cream of tartar is a best bleaching agent. By using a few tablespoons with hot water you can already clean aluminum pans which have discoloration or any rusty drains, pans, or stains. You can also use cream of tartar for cleaning your copper kettles by just mixing some of it with lemon juice. You will be amazed after rinsing! Who said you can’t use it for cleaning your porcelain sink? Just by rubbing porcelain surfaces with a little bit of cream of tartar watch the stains disappear!

Fabric stains will be a problem no more by mixing a few teaspoons of cream of tartar with some glycerin. Just use it like a spray and wash solution and results will be a fabric as new. Cream of tartar is a non – abrasive cleanser, it is a basic thing you’ll find in your kitchen cabinet that can be turned into a great cleaner. Making your own green cleaning product is a way of embracing green cleaning, it won’t just help you save money but it also will help you be more environmentally – inclined.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vinegar as an alternative green cleaning product

Distilled vinegar is a popular cleaning material, due to its level of acidity; it is effective for killing mold, bacteria and germs. Cleaning with while distilled vinegar will help you avoid traditional cleaning products with harsh and toxic chemicals. Vinegar can be your very own green cleaning product and you might be surprised how economical and environmental friendly it is.

• Vinegar is effective to remove coffee and teacups stains by scrubbing them gently with baking soda.
• Vinegar is also an effective metal cleanser, just by adding 2 tablespoon of cream of tartar to the vinegar solution it can be used as a cleaner already. All you have to do is rub it on and let it dry.
• It can also be used to ventilate the air in the bathroom just by spraying a vinegar solution and a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water.
• One cup white distilled vinegar for every gallon of water will give you a shining finish on a no-wax vinyl or linoleum.
• It is an effective cleaner in killing germs all around the bathroom. With a spray of distilled vinegar using a damp cloth you’ll surely achieve your bathroom cleanliness.
• To bring out the color in carpet, brush it with a 1 cup white distilled vinegar solution for every gallon of water. However you should always test on some parts first.

There are countless ways switch your vinegar at home as a green cleaning material. It won’t just save you money; it will also give u the chance to be ecological and cost-effective.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda

Just like vinegar, baking soda has three major things to serve as an effective cleanser. It is non – toxic, multi – purpose and best of all it is cheap and wouldn’t cause you much. It is one of the most basic cooking ingredients you will find on your kitchen cabinet. Aside from the fact that it is a cooking ingredient basic, it can also be an alternative cleaning material.

Here are 5 ways to practice green cleaning using Baking Soda:

1. Baking soda is an effective cleaning material when used to keep away garbage odors. All you need to do is sprinkle the bottom of the pail and then sprinkle some baking soda again after you put a new bag in.
2. 1/4 cup of baking soda down weekly will most likely avoid clogged drains. Rinse with hot water after.
3. Baking soda is also used for spills and blot removal. It is effective to decrease the chance that some of the spilled item will remain in the carpet and cause unpleasant odors later.
4. Adding baking soda paste will help in removing grease stains.
5. The pool can be cleaned by washing with baking soda in warm water.

Green cleaning products are available in the market if you don’t want to create your own however, there are countless ways to really get into baking soda for cleaning, aside from it; there are other basic cooking ingredients you could actually use as an alternative for traditional cleaning products.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What is Green Cleaning All about?

The earth is on top of so many environmental issues and the potential to affect all of its inhabitants is undeniable. We are all aware that many problems are already faced and experienced is some parts of the world. Everyone is challenged to help however some may find it difficult to do a little something for the environment. You are not expected to eradicate and totally diminish all roots of the problem but you can be a part of at least reducing carbon footprint.

Green cleaning is just a way to help in preventing harm to the environment, you might be wondering why. It can have several benefits depending on how it was applied. With more and more companies that switched into a greener level because of environmental awareness, green cleaning is one of the prioritized to be implemented in any offices. To use green cleaning methods and green clearing products which contain Eco – friendly chemicals and ingredients preserves human health and the quality of the environment.

Some may thing that green cleaning is all about “do it yourself” cleaning recipes with the use of basic cooking ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, lemon, ginger and many others to clean the house. Or it can also be purchasing green cleaning products which are believed to be manufactured in an Eco-friendly way and using them to clean your home or offices.

Aside from those, green cleaning also refers to the services offered by a company that provides commercial or office cleaning services that use green cleaning products and methods in order to keep and preserve well being and environmental balance.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Clean the Air in Your Workplace

The air you breathe in your workplace might contain toxins that often cause respiratory illness. It may be present in your furnishings and fittings such as carpets, furniture and drapes. Sometimes these toxins can be associated with your office air conditioning and other office equipments. Below are some of the things you can do to cleanse the air in you workplace:

1. Place indoor plants in your workplace. According to various studies, having indoor plants in buildings or offices help minimize the toxic gases that may cause adverse effects to human health like respiratory diseases. The plants can absorb the toxins and significantly enhances the air circulating inside your office. It is not just only about greening your office but strengthening the health of workers thus increases their productivity.

2. Start greening your office. Placing indoor plants is one of the greening ways you can do for your workplace. Another is to use eco-friendly products or items for your office such as green cleaning products, and energy saving equipments. These also serve as green investments which will benefit both company and its workers.

3. Maintain the cleanliness of your office. You can either hire an office cleaning company or schedule a group of cleaners who will do the task every day. Having a clean office is not only good for everybody’s health but for the environment as well.

Remember, clean air means a healthy environment.